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Aftercare for dental implants and grafting procedures

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Dental implants offer a way forward for those suffering from tooth loss. This multi-step treatment plan can be quite complex, and following aftercare instruction is essential to ensure a swift and stress-free recovery.

If you require grafting before your dental implant procedure, this will further complicate the process. This adds an additional step in the treatment plan and could extend the entire process by around 6 months.

Before getting started with your treatment plan, it’s a good idea to familiarise yourself with the aftercare instructions for each stage. This will help you to be prepared for the process and ensure that nothing comes as a surprise.

The dentists at Bhandal Dentistry have compiled this list of aftercare steps you should be aware of. These steps will be relevant for both dental implants and bone grafting procedures.

Before treatment begins, your dentist will make sure you are familiar with these steps. You can also ask for clarification and advice at any stage during your recovery. If you’re concerned about something, it’s always best to confirm with your dentist.

12 steps to caring for your mouth after implants or grafting

12 steps to caring for your mouth after implants or grafting

Avoid drinking and eating for one hour after surgery

Additionally, avoid eating anything too hot or cold for the rest of the day. Try to eat soft foods for the next few days. Food like yoghurt, scrambled egg, mashed potato, porridge and smoothies will help to protect the implant or grafting site. If you drink a smoothie, don’t drink this through a straw.

DO NOT smoke or drink alcohol for 48 hours after surgery

It’s also best to quit smoking entirely following dental implants as this will increase your risk of implant failure. Alcohol will thin your blood and could make it more difficult for your body to heal.

DO NOT do any strenuous exercise for the next 24 hours

Strenuous exercise could raise your blood pressure and cause bleeding. It’s a good idea to take it easy in the days following your procedure.

Dentures MUST NOT be worn for a minimum of 7 days

Dentures MUST NOT be worn for a minimum of 7 days

Unless otherwise instructed by a dentist, avoiding wearing dentures for at least a week. This will ensure that your mouth has the best possible chance to heal without interference.

DO NOT poke the area

Fingers carry germs and may cause infection or bleeding. Try to avoid poking the area with your tongue, as this could dislodge sutures and increase the risk of bleeding.

Avoid pulling at any extruding grafting material

If you have had a grafting procedure occasionally some of the grafting material extrudes and becomes visible. If you are at all worried then please do not hesitate to call your local surgery. Try not to poke it or pull it loose. Sometimes the healing abutment will be visible, this is silver in colour and you can often see this poking through the gum.

If the healing abutment comes off do not worry, contact your local surgery. Keep hold of the abutment and we will be able to reattach it.

Use a cold compress to reduce swelling

Use a cold compress to reduce swelling

After the surgery the area may become swollen causing some facial bruising. This is normal and to be expected. You can use a cold compress on the side of your face to help control the swelling. Avoid using heat as this can actually make the swelling worse and may be more painful.

After surgery avoid brushing the implant region for 7 days

Use mouthwash at the implant region or use a saline solution to gently swill around the area. Avoid mouthwash with alcohol as this can be very drying and may slow down the healing process.

Apply pressure to slow bleeding if needed

If the area starts to bleed, sit down and bite firmly down on the gauze provided for 15 minutes, the pressure should stop the bleeding. If you find you cannot control the bleeding after 15 minutes, call the dental practice to find out what to do next.

Take painkillers to minimise pain after surgery

You may experience pain after your surgery. You can take two types of painkillers to help – Ibuprofen and Paracetamol. Alternate between the two for 24 hours only. If you feel the need to take them for longer then do so as instructed by your Doctor. DO NOT take any other paracetamol containing products. Be aware that some cold mediation may contain paracetamol. Always check the individual painkillers and make sure you don’t exceed the recommended allowance in 24 hours.

Finish the complete course of antibiotics

Finish the complete course of antibiotics

If you require antibiotics, then a prescription will be issued to you in surgery. Make sure you complete the course of antibiotics, even if the pain has stopped and you feel like the implant site has healed. It’s essential to always complete the course.

DO NOT attempt to remove your stitches

During the surgical procedure stitches are often used, these are self-dissolving but may take up to 40 days to do so. Generally, they are removed by the dentist on your implant 2-week review. Try not to play with these and never attempt to remove them yourself.

Still have questions?

It’s normal to have a lot of questions following your treatment. If you have any worries or concerns about anything that happens during the healing process, the best course of action would be to call the practice.

If you’re curious about starting the dental implants treatment journey with us, the first step is a consultation. You can also find more information on dental implants in our FAQ section here.

Call us now to make an appointment

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