Code of practice for handling patient complaints
Complaints made to the practice
1. The person responsible for dealing with your complaints about the service is Dr A.S.Bhandal The Practice Complaints Manager
2. If a patient complains on the telephone or at the reception desk, we will listen to His or Her complaint and offer to refer him or her to the Complaints Manager.
If the Complaints Manager is not available at the time, then the patient will be told when when He or She will be able to talk to the Complaints Manager and arrangements will be made for this to happen. The member of staff will take brief details of the complaint and pass them on. If we cannot arrange this within a reasonable period or if the patient does not wish to wait to discuss the matter, arrangements will be made for someone to deal with it.
3. If the patient complains in writing or by email it will be passed on immediately to the Complaints Manager.
4. If a complaint is about any aspect of clinical care or associated charges it will normally be referred to the dentist concerned, unless the patient does not want this to happen.
5. We will acknowledge the patient’s complaint and enclose a copy of this Code of Practice within three working days. You will be invited to discuss your concerns.
6. We will seek to investigate the complaint speedily and efficiently and will keep the patient regularly informed as far as is reasonably practicable, as to the progress of the investigation. Investigations will normally be completed within six months. If we are unable to investigate the complaint within this time period we will notify the patient, giving reasons for the delay and a likely period within which the investigation will be completed.
7. We will confirm the decision about the complaint in writing immediately after completing our investigation.
8. Proper and comprehensive records are kept of any complaint received as well as any actions taken to improve services as a consequence of a complaint.
9. If patients are not satisfied with the result of our procedure then a complaint may be referred to:
- NHS England, PO Box 16738, Redditch B97 9PT (email: [email protected]) or
- Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, Millbank Tower, Millbank, London SW1P 4QP (telephone 0345 015 4033 or for complaints about NHS treatment)
- Dental Complaints Service, Stephenson House, 2 Cherry Orchard Road, Croydon CR0 6BA (Telephone: 08456 120 540) for complaints about private treatment
- The General Dental Council, 37 Wimpole Street, London, W1M 8DQ the dentists’ registration body.