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Periodontitis: Controlling Gum Disease

Gum disease is a common problem but if it is not picked up until a late stage it can become…

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woman having a dental checkup

Which Foods are Good for Your Teeth?

When it comes to food and teeth most information relates to cutting back – but there are some foods that…

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5 red apples

How long is too long: Are you worried about your child’s adult teeth being delayed?

From the time that your child first starts to lose their baby teeth you get used to their gappy grin…

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Your teeth: 7 healthy habits for 2019

Look after your teeth and they will look after you – that really is true as dental health is extremely…

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What can I do about sensitive teeth?

Sensitive teeth can make eating and drinking miserable – that sudden, searing pain out of the blue can really take…

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How a Dental Crown Can Help to Protect Your Teeth

Despite our very best intentions we all might at some point face that dreaded realisation that one of our teeth…

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girl brushing teeth in mirror

Dental Resolutions to Keep Your Smile Shining Bright

Good dental health is a marker of good well being – and is vital to confidence. The key to protecting…

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toothbrush and toothpaste in glass holder

Facial Aesthetics Christmas Offer

Christmas Special Offer With Christmas around the corner, it's time to start thinking about looking and feeling great for the…

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Dental Nurse Career Evening 25th October

Have you just left education and are unsure about your next steps? Join our ever-expanding dental team at one of…

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Saying farewell after nearly 50 years of loyal service: All the best Deb

The end of an era can be hugely exciting and a little unnerving at the same time. The team at…

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How your lifestyle can damage your oral health

Research is showing a definite link between oral health and general well-being – but it is also true that how…

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woman having a dental checkup

Teeth straightening for adults: What do I need to know?

We are well accustomed to seeing children wearing braces in their teeth but in recent years increasing numbers of adults…

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girl with metal braces smiling

Protect your teeth: Foods that cause acid enamel erosion

Enamel plays a vital part in protecting our teeth. This tough substance – the hardest substance on the body –…

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Porcelain Veneers Coventry

Bruxism: Why do I grind my teeth?

It is estimated that up to a third of the population grind their teeth. Bruxism – as teeth grinding is…

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woman with ceramic veneers smiling

Don’t let dental anxiety stop you from getting regular check-ups

Anxiety about visiting the dentist can be a serious problem. For those with no experience of the stress a serious…

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dental equipment on tray
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