024 7668 6690
Dentist positions

Bhandal Dental Practice has the most advanced dental technology in the area and offer treatment to both NHS and private patients.

Our current vacancies

General Dentist

An exciting opportunity has arisen for a dentist to join our busy Coventry practice.

Bhandal dental practice offers:

• Full support from experienced mentors

• Excellent remuneration

• Advanced surgery

• Rotary endodontics standard

• A great friendly working environment


• GDC Registration

Successful applicants must have a willingness to expand their knowledge.

If you would like to apply or have any question’s please complete the form below.

Apply now
Apply for one of our vacancies

If you have the skills and passion that it takes to work at a Bhandal dental practice, then we want to hear from you. Submit your details with your CV and our team will contact you if we think you're the right fit.

Drag and drop files here or click to upload

    Hear from our
    happy patients

    These are just some of the kind words about our practice, direct from our incredible patients.

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